My Perspective on the Internet

Tawaron Cockrell
2 min readFeb 15, 2021


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

When thinking about what the internet is from reading the articles and how we interact with it on a daily basis you would often assume that it is a resource that helps us find the things that we need, want, or even help us communicate with each other on many different levels. It also may be looked upon as an easy way out mainly because of the convivence to help read different articles, textbooks, or watch the news, tv shows etc. but the internet is actually a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. That connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the internet.

Not only does the internet play a major role in our everyday lives but it’s really something that is becoming more involved with everyone from the new generation to the old. From thinking about how we can use it on our phones, tablets, gaming systems, vehicles, and pretty much everywhere we go. This resource is something that is continuing to expand over time. For example, there was once just typewriters and box TV’s but now we have touchscreen laptops, MacBook’s, smart TV’s, and more.

So, when thinking about the internet itself, its only one thing that has many things connected or related to it. It something that you can connect many devices too and something that is becoming interchanging within our lives. When thinking about if it would be considered alive or not. I would say yes, mainly because it continues to grow from the daily apps that we use to online shopping, and smart devices that continue to be produced. When thinking about something I love about the internet I would say that it’s an amazing resource that we are able to use to look up things we don’t know about and order things we want or need. I know one thing my parents would always say to me when I didn’t know something is to “look it up”. Although this resource is very convenient its also scary because the internet also tracks a lot of things you do and sometimes can take information to make fake accounts, hack your accounts or a resource that allows people to look you up and things that you do.

