Rebuilding the Internet

Tawaron Cockrell
2 min readMar 8, 2021


Don’t mind the ugly crayons lol :)

At first, when considering what to do for this project it required some thought. Mainly because you have to figure out how you are affected by the internet or some platforms that you use that you don't realize take up many hours of your day. Often times I’m sure many of us try to be productive but we end up on social media or listening to music when in class etc.

When thinking about what the web is to me, many things come to mind. Like the things I use on the web, how it affects my everyday life and how we are constantly connected to social media platforms and other “substances” within the internet. This usage can often be good or bad. When looking at this image it is basically my perspective of the web which is considered a complex system of interconnected elements (like a puzzle-piece). Although I do not use all of these platforms I feel like many of us can relate to them. The reason they are connected is because all social medias are generally used for entertainment, to connect with people that’s in our in age group or wealth. With that being said there are many opportunities within the internet and I feel like although we learn more information about how they track us on the internet its going to be hard for us to disengage ourselves from something that we are so accustom to.

Not only will it be hard from us to disengage ourselves from what we are accustom to I feel like many individuals also use these platforms to promote business and its becoming more of a “norm” for everyone. As times goes on this resource is going to continue to grow and more apps are going to be produced to keep up with trends that we have today.

In addititon some people may try to make a change and use these resources differently but marketing is a major way for many companies to continue to grow and expand. Even with things like our portfolios and using our domains, we are gnerally using that to market ourselves once we continue to add infomration because all of our work and history will be there to back up things that we have done. Although it’s no cost to us its still something we can use to market ourselves.

